group show 63
Love, Actually

Isabella Agbaje, Ashley Allen, Keliy Anderson-Staley, Lanna Apisukh, Ryan Baker, Chris Behroozian, Chris Berntsen, Carla Borel, Frances Bukovsky, Carloman Macidiano Céspedes Riojas, Ali Kate Cherkis, Barbara Ciurej and Lindsay Lochman, Troy Colby, Peter Currie, Jane Waggoner Deschner, Jess T.  Dugan, Brandon Dunning, Kristen Joy Emack, Lauren Grabelle, Nikita Gross, Kim Guthrie, Samuel Harris, Jacob Haupt, Max Hirshfeld, Harrison Huse, Hanna Jarzabek, Eirik Johnson, Rachel Jump, Ayesha Kazim, Caio Kenji, Sydney King, Michael Koch, Daniela Leal, Elsa Leydier, Joseph Liatela, Michelle Loukidis, Marlike Marks, Fabrice Mbonankira, Rachael McArthur, Daniel Meinhardt, Celeste Midori, Minh Ngoc Nguyen, Federico Possati, Julia Raite, Harry Rose, Ren Rox, Joey Solomon, Rylan Steele, Christina Thurston, Alexis Vasilikos, Cristina Velasquez, Marylise Vigneau, Martin Wannam, Christian Woodward, Tagger Yancey IV

curated by Jon Feinstein

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